We are spirit souls who know each other and the outside world is largely a matrix.
Or that the world as we see it is dependent on a matrix. Phenomena manifested in turn, and that is what we call "the passage of time".
Linear time belongs to our ratio, which has a quite limited range.
Science continues to count and observes objects but never get to know the Spirit Soul. The knowing of the Spirit Soul changes the order of things and matter, by many known as only amnesia and oblivion. Mind is programmed to respond more or less habituably to reality,. depending also on psychic matter and spirit matter. Break these habits.
There are codes to how to unlock the mystical realms and matter. There are keys. Time ( the three times) is dependent of Soul, Being, Spirit, Psyche and (sublimated) Body. Heavyness- a propensity.among the others, tangibility (touch) etc.
A wakeful rest and one meets with an intermediate state and thereafter journey thorough an alternative dimension. A conscious dream... This transition can sometimes be difficult to note.Defeat the load of impressions accuried from your habits and past.