fredag 22 februari 2013

I: The Ultimatum

The joke is that I ultimately seem to be harassing myself for a reason long since

forgotten. Will I again face Infinite Solitude and the escape into oblivion? - Yet

another birth?

The very simple answer might be that I am in need of emotional integrity.

How strange it is. Will these worlds of imagination ever come true? Perhaps the Gnostic

Pleroma is the answer. (The"Divine Lung"). Well when I speak I speak and the

entanglements of yet another understanding leads me further...

This is a never ending path, yet the inactivity of reason might kill me.

Or not.

II: The Lord of Creation

The Creator seems to be unconscious bestowing blessings and curses with an equal hand.

The Son and the Living is the Experiencer and the Righteous Judge.


Yet there are no peoples of the world and there is no world. Only the Armies of the

Unconscious Matrix of creative structure.


III: Infinity

Another strange thing is that because there is no Infinity there is an Infinity ending

in Perpetual Creation and yet Nothing.

How can this be?

IV: Creatio ex Nihil

This is the first Key out of seven, and seven times seven is 49 spiritual worlds. Seven
 times seven times seven is three hundred and forty three and that equals ten. This is
 the number of the Sephiroth and this has been a Christian Kabbalist Teaching.

49 is also 4+ 9 that equals thirteen that equals Four and that is the number of IHVH.


(There is a fifth and that is the Body of Christ that is Conscience. This requires that

I make a plea for us not to argue about the representations. But such a plea would be

pathetic. - Yet I made it, yet not!)

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